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Deepa Mehta

Also known as: Deepa Saltzman, Deepa Mehta Saltzman
Countries: Canada / India
Born: 1950

Films directed by Deepa Mehta

Quotes by Deepa Mehta

"[After immigrating to Canada from India] I made documentaries about those who were like me, the disenfranchised. A 99-year-old woman who refused to leave her home. A Chinese parking lot attendant who was the first violinist with the Filipino Symphony Orchestra; Louis Lim listened to Beethoven while performing his mind-numbing job at an underground bank in downtown Toronto. A bunch of mixed-race teenagers, Sri Lankan, Indian, Indigenous, Black and Ukrainian, who used theater to deal with their troubled lives that arose from 'not belonging.' [...] I learnt about collaboration and realized that what perhaps drove me was pure anger to prove that we, the colored folk, could also make films in an alien land amidst alien people. That immigrant stories were just as relevant as mainstream ones—a narrative I have held on to for what seems like eons."
-- Deepa Mehta (source)

"I'm not naive. I know that films are very powerful. But I certainly don't say, 'I'm going to make a film that has a social message,' or 'Because I'm coloured or I'm a woman it has to be this way, otherwise it might be misinterpreted.' I want to be free to explore everything, even something that doesn't make me look too good. If I want to explore it, it has to come from a place of honesty and not what is expected of me because I happen to be non-White or a woman."
-- Deepa Mehta (source)

"Many of my films centre around women characters who are involved in [...] struggles. This was not a plan, but when I look back—there it is. While exploring women's lives, the characters usually come up against 'patriarchy'. It's just there, so often in the way, diminishing women's lives and potential everywhere in the world."
-- Deepa Mehta (source)

"My father, who was a distributor in India, told me there were two things in life you will never know about: one is when you are going to die and the other is how a film is going to do at the box office. When you grow up with that kind of philosophy, you never say I'm going to make this film so I can make another one if this film does well. You don't have a clue how a film is going to turn out."
-- Deepa Mehta (source)

Quotes about Deepa Mehta

"[Deepa] Mehta resists the expectation that as a diasporic film-maker she must present her nation in positive ways for viewing and consumption by the West."
-- Bidisha Banerjee (source)

"As a humanist filmmaker, [Deepa] Mehta has demonstrated her penchant for creating complex human dramas in equally complex social settings."
-- Amy Fung (source)

"Drawn to all types of conflict, whether it be personal or political, Deepa Mehta patrols the horizon of everyday reality like a Canadian peacekeeper: watchful, empathetic and ever hopeful that she can make a difference every time she maps a landmine of intolerance."
-- Katherine Monk (source)

"What is unique about [Deepa] Mehta's filmography in Canadian cinema is not only her broad commercial success, but also her continued ability to bring her dual perspective to bear on both of her home countries, to continue making movies in India despite intense and sometimes violent protests, and to continue making movies in Canada despite ongoing funding battles."
-- David L. Pike (source)

"In her Indian films, [Deepa] Mehta does question and deconstruct the attempts of the post-colonial nation-state to perpetuate and mobilize tradition (or the collective archetype) in the name of what fundamentalist Hindu parties perceive as national survival vis-à-vis the economic and cultural threats brought on by globalization, Western individualism, and consumerism. In her North American films, however, she probes the exclusivity of said individualism and consumerism as the only desirable way to go, and thus implies, if not points to, a possible hybrid ideal, one that combines the best of both worlds."
-- Christina Stojanova (source)

"In [Deepa] Mehta's oeuvre, transnational realities are deftly acknowledged and straddled alongside a feminist ethical stance."
-- Sharon Lin Tay (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Deepa Mehta, please see:   At 99: A Portrait of Louise Tandy Murch    Ming-Oi the Magician (Hong Kong)    Yang-Xun the Peasant Painter (China)    Shao Ping the Acrobat (China)    Sam & Me    Camilla    Fire    Earth    Bollywood/Hollywood    The Republic of Love    Let's Talk About It    Water    Heaven on Earth    Midnight's Children    Beeba Boys    Anatomy of Violence    Funny Boy   

Notes about Deepa Mehta


Bibliography for Deepa Mehta

Section 1: Publications by Deepa Mehta

Section 2: Publications about Deepa Mehta


Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites


Dissertation Chapters

Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Deepa Mehta

At 99: A Portrait of Louise Tandy Murch (1975)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Martha, Ruth and Edie (1988)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Sam & Me (1990)  (also known as: "Sam and Me", "Sam y yo")

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Camilla (1994)  (also known as: "Freda y Camilla")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Fire (1996)  (also known as: "Fire - Wenn die Liebe Feuer fängt", "Fogo", "Fogo E Desejo", "Fuego", "Ogien", "Tuli")


Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Brief Sections of Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Dissertation Chapters

Earth (1998)  (also known as: "1947: Earth", "1947: Föld", "Jaettu maa", "Terre", "Ziemia")

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Brief Sections of Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Dissertation Chapters

Bollywood/Hollywood (2002)  (also known as: "Bollywood Hollywood")

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

The Republic of Love (2003)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Let's Talk About It (2005)

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Water (2005)  (also known as: "Agua", "River Moon")


Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Heaven on Earth (2008)  (also known as: "Le paradis sur terre", "Niebo na ziemi", "Yeryüzü cenneti")

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Midnight's Children (2012)  (also known as: "Hijos de la medianoche", "I figli della mezzanotte", "Les enfants de minuit", "Mitternachtskinder", "Os Filhos da Meia-Noite", "Winds of Change")

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Beeba Boys (2015)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Anatomy of Violence (2016)

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Funny Boy (2020)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

I Am Sirat (2023)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Deepa Mehta or her films:

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