Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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The Twin

Directed by Deepa Mehta
Canada, 1988 (fiction, 24 minutes, English)

Film Description:
"Separated in early childhood, Andrew and Byron are identical, Jamaican-born twins. Andrew grows up as a successful advertising executive in Canada. Byron is raised in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica as a Rastafarian. Destiny intercedes thirty years later when a friend tells Andrew, 'Your exact double is working in Kensington market'. As the story unfolds, Andrew attempts to run from his past, but his wife, Aisha, has other ideas."
-- Library and Archives Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Romany Steele
Produced by: Paul de Silva
Principal Cast: Marc Gomes, Claudette Roach, Graham Harley, Rino Romano, Charlene Richards
Cinematography: Andy Binnington
Film Editing: Bruce Griffin
Production Company: Toronto Talkies Inc.

Notes about The Twin


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