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Ruba Nadda

Countries: Canada / Syria
Born: 1972

Films directed by Ruba Nadda

Quotes by Ruba Nadda

"I hear a lot of people say that they didn't get a grant so they aren't going to make a film. But why should someone give you money if you're going to give up that easily? If you're passionate about film, you must have unstoppable drive. It's competitive. It's hard. It hurts."
-- Ruba Nadda (source)

"It's why I became a filmmaker. I just was desperate to shed light on the common misconceptions the West has of the Middle East."
-- Ruba Nadda (source)

Quotes about Ruba Nadda

"Ruba [Nadda] is an astute and highly sensitive writer, with extraordinary enthusiasm and drive. Her direction on Sabah was remarkable, with the performances clearly driving the story. Ruba's developed a thick skin—absolutely essential for success—and a passion to tell her story. How can you not succeed with all of these qualities?"
-- Atom Egoyan (source)

"[Ruba Nadda's] work consists of a dozen, small, black-and-white films about olive-skinned Muslim girls and their encounters in Toronto—with angry or depressed parents, men of various skin colours, with criminals and lovers. Flat, almost deliberately banal on the surface, they are filled with the unspoken baggage of ethnicity, skin colour and religious attitudes. [...] Though she has been making films for just three years, Nadda is breathtakingly industrious. In addition to 12 short films, she has made one black-and-white feature, I Always Come To You, which is awaiting distribution. And, currently, she is shooting Unsettled, her first film in colour."
-- Liam Lacey (source)

"Ruba Nadda's [short] films take a fly-on-the-wall-perspective, peering briefly into the lives of people who would otherwise be ignored. [...] Mothers scream at daughters, lovers deliver parting words and solitary individuals face public embarrassment. Everyone always seems poised on the edge of an emotional cliff, a short step from a terminal plunge. People say regrettable things, sometimes painfully true but just as often tragically false. Nadda cuts out all of the chaff to focus directly on those moments when decisions are made which cannot be undone."
-- Gerald Saul (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Ruba Nadda, please see:   Sabah    Cairo Time    Inescapable    October Gale   

Notes about Ruba Nadda


Bibliography for Ruba Nadda

Section 1: Publications by Ruba Nadda

Section 2: Publications about Ruba Nadda

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Ruba Nadda

Sabah (2005)  (also known as: "Coldwater", "Sabah on rakastunut!", "Sabah: A Love Story")

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Cairo Time (2009)  (also known as: "Souvenirs du Caire", "W Kairze")

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

DVD Special Features

Inescapable (2012)  (also known as: "Ajojahti", "Entführt in Damaskus", "No Escape")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

October Gale (2014)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Ruba Nadda or her films:

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