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Bonnie Sherr Klein

Autre nom : Bonnie Klein
Pays : Canada / États-Unis
Née : 1941

Films réalisés par Bonnie Sherr Klein

Citations de Bonnie Sherr Klein [en anglais]

« [At Stanford University] I took a minor in film. [...] I'd never seen a documentary; the first we saw were from the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), brought in by several wonderful Québécois filmmakers. It was the beginning of the civil rights and anti-nuclear movements. I was always very active in political and social affairs, so seeing those documentaries it struck me how this was an incredible combination of my passion for theater and my need to do some social good. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein (source)

« I certainly unashamedly started out as a message-maker—the whole idea that the content of film is so important that aesthetics is less of a consideration. Of course, that evolved. The aesthetic of film is integral to the message. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein (source)

« In those days of feminism, everything was new. We were making it up. We were creating feminist theory as we went along, to the extent where, you know, you decide not to accept the 'givens.' Everything was up for grabs. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein (source)

« Studio D [at the National Film Board of Canada] was a total integration of film and the [women's] movement. We were inspired by and inspired the movement. It was really heady. Intellectually it was incredibly stimulating. Every idea was a new idea. Discovering the patriarchy behind every corner. The whole movement about violence against women was unheard of. It was just a soup that was constantly bubbling. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein (source)

« We [filmmakers at Studio D], as artists—which is a word I never used then—were so in touch with the community of women. They were feeding us and we were feeding them, and this was such a big part of the feminist movement, in a sense, we were leading and we were following, and we were making the films that were so needed, and were so seen. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein (source)

« To other filmmakers with disabilities, I say: 'Do it!' There are opportunities, and there are challenges, and there are many more films to be made. We have our own stories, and people are hungry. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein (source)

Citations sur Bonnie Sherr Klein [en anglais]

« [Bonnie Sherr Klein] remembers when [Michael Klein's] draft notice arrived. She had just seen The Mills of the Gods: Viet Nam, one of the first anti-war films during the Vietnam War by Canadian Beryl Fox. The film changed their lives. 'I suggested why not go to Canada,' she remembers. Dr. Klein, then a 29-year-old medical intern, says he was close to going to jail. 'We looked at our options, and Canada was an option. So we got married and went to Canada.' »
-- Robert Matas (source)

« The two women who persuaded us to launch our first community videotape project were no ordinary film-makers. Dorothy Henaut and Bonnie Klein brought to the task a philosophy about democratic participation that shaped every aspect of the work, from the way to run training classes to the way editorial decisions are made. It is largely their concept, their way of working, which guides social animators, teachers and community leaders generally who are now applying Challenge for Change techniques across Canada. »
-- George C. Stoney (source)

Pour lire les CITATIONS sur un film spécifique de Bonnie Sherr Klein, veuillez voir :   Deciding to Organize    People and Power    Through Conflict to Negotiation    VTR St-Jacques    Citizens' Medicine    Patricia's Moving Picture    Not a Love Story: A Film about Pornography    Speaking Our Peace    SHAMELESS: The ART of Disability   

Notes sur Bonnie Sherr Klein

Notes disponibles seulement en anglais : (sources)

Bibliographie sur Bonnie Sherr Klein

Section 1 : Publications de Bonnie Sherr Klein

Section 2 : Publications sur Bonnie Sherr Klein

Chapitres de livres

Brèves parties de livres

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Sites Web

Section 3 : Publications sur les films de Bonnie Sherr Klein

Deciding to Organize (1968)

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

People and Power (1968)

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

VTR St-Jacques (1969)  (autre titre : "Opération boule de neige")

Chapitres de livres

Brèves parties de livres

Brèves parties d'articles de revue scientifiques

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Patricia's Moving Picture (1978)

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Not a Love Story: A Film about Pornography (1981)  (autres titres : "C'est surtout pas de l'amour", "C'est surtout pas de l'amour : un film sur la pornographie", "Not a Love Story")


Chapitres de livres

Brèves parties de livres

Articles de revues scientifiques

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Chapitres de thèses

Speaking Our Peace (1985)  (autre titre : "Women, Peace and Power")

Articles de revues scientifiques

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Mile Zero: The SAGE Tour (1988)  (autre titre : "Le mille zéro : la tournée SAGE")

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

SHAMELESS: The ART of Disability (2006)  (autre titre : "Sans honte : l'art d'être handicapé")

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Fonds et collections d'archives

Ces centres d'archives conservent des fonds ou collections liés à Bonnie Sherr Klein ou à ses films :

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