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Deciding to Organize

Réalisé par Peter Pearson et Bonnie Sherr Klein
Canada, 1968 (documentaire, 34 minutes, noir et blanc, anglais)
Deciding to Organize
Image : © Office national du film du Canada

Description du film [en anglais] :
« From the The Alinsky Approach: Organizing for Power series, this film shows a group of concerned citizens from Dayton, Ohio, meeting and consulting Saul Alinsky on the means of creating an effective organization. »
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Barrie Howells, John Kemeny
Montage images : Roger Hart
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Notes sur Deciding to Organize


Citations sur Deciding to Organize [en anglais]

« Deciding to Organise, a record of the lecture [Saul Alinsky] gave to the Dayton citizens in 1968, is one of a series of five films made by the Canadian National Film Board to serve as a kind of manual to the Alinsky method [...]. What emerges is something closer to a collection of intriguingly compressed snippets from a personal diary, with Alinsky mixing in anecdote with theory, occasionally getting caught in a log-jam of jargon, and at other times hinting but not defining the precise terms of his own extremism, the 'top values' which he would not be prepared to sacrifice in the violent pursuit of any cause. »
-- Richard Combs (source)

« [Deciding to Organize] shows [Saul] Alinsky interpreting his approach to a potential sponsor group in Dayton, and members of this group struggling to decide whether it wants the IAF [Industrial Areas Foundation]. [...] We observe Alinksy in an initial stage of organizing—he is attempting to undermine rationalizations for inactivity and testing the group for its willingness to accept the ethical and tactical consequences of his approach to organizing—his anecdote about ruining the Ku Klux Klan leader in Texas, which he would do again, is just such a test. »
-- Peter Katadotis (source)

Bibliographie sur Deciding to Organize

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