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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« [At Stanford University] I took a minor in film. [...] I'd never seen a documentary; the first we saw were from the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), brought in by several wonderful Québécois filmmakers. It was the beginning of the civil rights and anti-nuclear movements. I was always very active in political and social affairs, so seeing those documentaries it struck me how this was an incredible combination of my passion for theater and my need to do some social good. »
-- Bonnie Sherr Klein

Source :
GOLDSMITH, David A. « Bonnie Sherr Klein » , entretien avec Bonnie Sherr Klein, dans The Documentary Makers: Interviews with 15 of the Best in the Business, Hove, U.K., RotoVision, 2003. [en anglais] (p. 66)