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Directed by Fernand Bélanger and Dagmar Teufel
Canada, 1986 (documentary / fiction, 85 minutes, colour, French)

Film Description:
"With the near simultaneous appearance in Montreal in the summer of 1984 of Michael Jackson and Pope John Paul II, something of a definitive note for a media and celebrity-stricken era was struck. [...] Abstract and impressionistic, Passiflora makes no claims to objective documentary reality. It uses history for political and didactic ends, and it does so with a creative energy and originality that distinguishes it as one of the preeminent experiments in documentary form of the past decade."
-- Festival of Festivals (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Jacques Vallée
Cinematography: Serge Giguère
Film Editing: Fernand Bélanger
Music: René Lussier, Jean Derome, André Duchesne
Production Company: Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada

Notes about Passiflora


Quote about Passiflora [in French]

"Dans Passiflora, on ne compile pas des discours ou des opinions comme c'est la tâche du docu-reportage traditionnel. C'est l'acte de parole qui est à l'honneur, geste coercitif ou geste de révolte; exercice d'un pouvoir ou délimitation d'un espace de liberté. Le cinéma est un moyen privilégié pour rendre ces actes, et Passiflora ne s'en prive pas."
-- Marion Froger (source)

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