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Strass Café

Directed by Léa Pool
1980 (experimental, 62 minutes, black and white, French)

Film Description [in French] :
"Film poétique évoquant l'aventure d'une chanteuse solitaire et de l'artiste qu'elle avait peut-être aimé avant de partir un jour pour toujours sans laisser de traces autres que des souvenirs."
-- Michel Jacques (source)

Film Description:
"Shot in black and white, the film deals with urban alienation as it shows images of the cool Montreal cityscape set to a soundtrack of fragmented spoken word. Through these impressionist visuals, Pool tells the story of two people looking for love—but they never meet."
-- Katerine Monk (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Léa Pool, Luc Caron
Produced by: Léa Pool
Principal Cast: Céline Lacoste, Luc Caron
Narrator: Léa Pool, Antoinette Ammann
Cinematography: François Bouchard
Film Editing: Léa Pool
Music: Philippe Chevalier
Production Company: Les Productions Strass Enr.

Notes about Strass Café


Quotes about Strass Café

"[Léa Pool's] first feature, Strass Café, is the most abstract and experimental, with much tracking through deserted city streets, past walls and railway lines, and a female voice-over articulating themes of memory and loss, the possible story of a relationship between a nameless man and woman."
-- Bill Marshall (source)

"In many respects, Strass Café resembles the works of Marguerite Duras: an insistent music that returns as a strange leitmotif, the same slow editing, the same tendency in the immobility of shots and sometimes the mobility of the camera, the same monochromatic tone of the narrators and, finally, the same stigmatized narrative-representative spaces between image and sound."
-- Lucie Roy (source)

Quote about Strass Café [in French]

"La voix de Léa Pool se fait entendre pour la première fois en 1980, par le biais de Strass Café, un premier long métrage dont le style évoque celui de Marguerite Duras. Tourné de façon indépendante, ce film produit l'effet d'une bombe auprès de plusieurs cinéastes en devenir, qui y trouvent une esthétique et un ton nouveaux dans le cinéma québécois."
-- Marcel Jean (source)

Bibliography for Strass Café

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