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No Crying at the Dinner Table

Directed by Carol Nguyen
Canada, 2019 (documentary, 15 minutes, colour, English / Vietnamese)
Also known as "Pas de pleurs à la table du dîner"
No Crying at the Dinner Table
Image: © Travelling Distribution

Film Description:
"Filmmaker Carol Nguyen interviews her own family to craft an emotionally complex and meticulously composed portrait of intergenerational trauma, grief, and secrets in this cathartic documentary about things left unsaid."
-- Travelling Distribution (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Carol Nguyen, Aziz Zoromba
Participants: Thao Nguyen-Duong, Ngoc Nguyen, Michelle Nguyen, Carol Nguyen
Cinematography: Walid Jabri
Film Editing: Carol Nguyen, Andres Solis
Music: Arie van de Ven
Production Company: Mel Hoppenheim School Of Cinema, Concordia University

Notes about No Crying at the Dinner Table


Quote by the Director [in French]

"Ma famille soutient ma carrière d'une façon incroyable. Ils n'ont pas hésité à participer au projet [No Crying at the Dinner Table]. J'ai travaillé fort avant le tournage à approfondir mon lien de confiance avec eux, nous avons parlé de tous les sujets pour définir les limites. Ce n'était pas spontané. Aussi, on a réduit le nombre de personnes présentes au tournage pour que tout le monde soit à l'aise, il n'y avait que moi et le directeur photo avec qui je travaille. "
-- Carol Nguyen (source)

Quote about No Crying at the Dinner Table

"In shots in between their stories [in No Crying at the Dinner Table], we watch the family members go about small tasks—[Carol] Nguyen's mother soaks bok choy and prepares a whole mackerel for cooking, her father lights incense, and her sister soaks in a bath. These quiet moments evoke the way memories arise during moments of quotidian repetition, and the strangeness of mundane life continuing after tragedy."
-- Crispin Long (source)

Bibliography for No Crying at the Dinner Table

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