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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Réalisé par Deepa Mehta
Canada, 2002 (fiction, 105 minutes, couleurs, anglais / hindi)
Autre titre : « Bollywood Hollywood »
Image : © Mongrel Media

Description du film :
« Jeune millionnaire torontois qui a fait fortune dans les nouvelles technologies, Rahul Seth se rebelle contre sa mère et sa grand-mère, notamment sur la question du mariage. Lorsque sa copine, blanche, meurt dans un accident, sa famille tente de le convaincre d'épouser une jeune femme de sa race. Partagé entre son besoin d'indépendance et son devoir familial, Rahul assiste au mariage de sa jeune soeur accompagné de Sue, une escorte qu'il a engagée à grands frais et qu'il fait passer pour sa fiancée indienne. Mais Sue n'est pas celle qu'elle semble être... Romance à la Hollywood, mais aussi l'imaginaire bien particulier du cinéma indien, Bollywood/Hollywood est une comédie amusante où l'imprévisible est la seule certitude... »
-- Téléfilm Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Deepa Mehta
Produit par : Camelia Frieberg, David Hamilton, Mehernaz Lentin, Ajay Virmani, Robert Wertheimer
Interprètes principaux : Rahul Khanna, Lisa Ray, Moushumi Chatterjee, Dina Pathak, Ranjit Chowdhry, Kulbushan Kharbanda, Jessica Pare, Joly Bader, Rishma Malik, Arjun Lombardi-singh, Jazz Mann, Leesa Gaspari
Images : Doug Koch
Montage images : Barry Farrell
Musique : Sandeep Chowta
Société de production : Bollywood/Hollywood Productions Inc., Mongrel Media, Different Tree Same Wood

Prix décerné à Bollywood/Hollywood

Notes sur Bollywood/Hollywood


Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« I heard a story about an East Indian businessman who had gone to the casino at Niagara and was playing the slots. He sat next to a woman. They started talking, and he said, 'Who are you?' And she said she was East Indian. An Indian woman alone and in such a place, he didn't believe her. He said, 'You can't be,' and she said 'I can be whoever you want me to be.' That story was like a bolt of lightning. It started me thinking about my role as an Indian woman in Canada and how I felt about that. »
-- Deepa Mehta (source)

Citations sur Bollywood/Hollywood [en anglais]

« The constant self-reflectiveness in [Bollywood/Hollywood] creates a web of cross-cultural intertexts, producing its own lineage of Canadian heritage, which is essentially a shuffle of Hollywood clichés mixed with Bollywood drama and clichés. »
-- Amy Fung (source)

« The radicalness of the heroine Sunita and her rebellion against the 'family' and its gender requirements are illustrated through her rejection of arranged marriage and other gendered rituals of immigrant life. The film very selfconsciously deploys a Bollywood idiom of high melodrama, farce, romance, and musical numbers, all the while providing tongue-in-cheek Indian-English captions that name the various components of the Bollywood-inspired script. »
-- Gayatri Gopinath (source)

« The urban culture represented in [Bollywood/Hollywood] is one that deconstructs Toronto's formerly staid Euro-Canadian identity. When [Deepa] Mehta locates a Bollywood-style dance number with a multiracial cast against Toronto's greyish-white downtown skyline, she is playing with urban iconography, making the dance number symbolize multiple worlds and identities that now define Toronto. »
-- George Melnyk (source)

« In preparation [for Bollywood/Hollywood], I starved myself. I told myself that I was making a Western film and Western actresses have to be very thin. [...] But when I showed up on the first day Deepa [Mehta]'s eyes widened in surprise. On the second day of rehearsals, she pulled me aside. 'I'm concerned about how you look,' she said. 'You need to put on some weight.' She was the first person, other than my parents, who had ever said that to me. Deepa is a blunt force, in the best way possible. [...] It was an intervention, and it worked. »
-- Lisa Ray (source)

« Toronto the Good becomes Toronto the Downright Playful in Deepa Mehta's cheeky dramedy [Bollywood/Hollywood] in which a millionaire hires a woman he believes to be Hispanic to play his Hindu fiancée. The film plays out against a backdrop of the city's famed landmarks. »
-- Tammy Stone (source)

« Mehta's film [Bollywood/Hollywood] situates itself at the cusp of two or more cultures—Hollywood and Bollywood, white and brown, local and global, Canadian and American. The film does not fully belong to one world or the other but belongs to both. [...] However, instead of signifying conditions of exile and loss as do other diasporic productions, the film suggests the vibrancy of being between worlds—the humor, self-mockery, and self-awareness of being exotic and other to both the West and the East. »
-- Eleanor Ty (source)

Bibliographie sur Bollywood/Hollywood

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