Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Canada in a Day

Directed by Trish Dolman
Canada, 2017 (documentary, 88 minutes, colour, English)
Also known as "Une journée au Canada"
Canada in a Day
Image: © Screen Siren Pictures

Film Description:
"Canada In A Day is one day in our lives. No matter where you were, in Canada or around the world, during the 24 hours of September 10th, 2016, you showed us your story. This is a project built from crowd-sourced footage filmed by and uploaded by you and then crafted into a celebration of Canadian stories by award-winning director Trish Dolman. The finished film premiered on CTV on Sunday, June 25th, 2017, as part of our country's 150th anniversary celebration. From many of these individual stories comes a film that shows who we are as a country in this one moment in time. We are thrilled by your participation in this amazing event. Over 10,000 Canadians in Canada and in 22 countries, shared 16,818 personal videos in 18 different languages. You showed us how you feel, what moves you, and what concerns you. This is your film, your voice."
-- Screen Siren Pictures Inc. (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Tex Antonucci, Jack Arbuthnott, Trish Dolman, Carlo Dusi, Michael Ghent, Christine Haebler
Film Editing: Nick Hector
Production Company: Screen Siren Pictures

Award won by Canada in a Day

Web Sites about Canada in a Day

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