Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Know Your Baby

Directed by Judith Crawley
1947 (11 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"An illustration of approved methods of psychological care of the newborn infant. A home situation is shown where other children are present, and the consideration and understanding necessary until the family adjusts itself to the demands of the newcomer are noted. Many aspects of the care of the infant are dealt with, and their psychological implications stressed, including such points as clothing and bedding, the bath, breast feeding and bottle feeding, maintenance of normal home atmosphere, prevention of any feeling of neglect in older children, and the need to develop the interest and participation of brothers and sisters in the care of the new baby."
-- Library and Archives Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Judith Crawley
Film Editing: Judith Crawley

Notes about Know Your Baby


Quote by the Director

"I knew I was going to make it [Know Your Baby] with my baby, because I was going to make a lot of demands on whatever baby I did it on."
-- Judith Crawley (source)

Quote about Know Your Baby

"Judith Crawley's first film about child care was produced in 1947 for the National Film Board of Canada—Know Your Baby, starring Roddy [Crawley] as an infant. The film tried to help young mothers understand their baby's needs. It gave tips on breast and bottle feeding, sleep, clothes, bed covers, even burping the baby. It was full of practical suggestions, but its greater value was in its accent on the emotional ties between mother and infant and the ways in which these ties might be strengthened. The film has been enormously popular in Canada and in the United States, and to all appearances it will continue to be shown to mothers, parent-teacher groups, and college students for many years to come."
-- Cecile Starr (source)

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