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réalisatrices canadiennes
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P4W: Prison for Women

Réalisé par Janis Cole et Holly Dale
Canada, 1981 (documentaire, 80 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autre titre : « Prison for Women »

Description du film [en anglais] :
« The film centers on five women, their stories, their relationships and their lives in prison. Inmates reveal their isolation as mothers, lovers, friends, and fellow inmates inside Canada's only Prison for Women at Kingston, Ontario. »
-- Spectrum Films (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Janis Cole, Holly Dale
Produit par : Janis Cole, Holly Dale
Images : Nesya Shapiro
Montage images : Janis Cole, Holly Dale
Musique : Susie, Kas
Société de production : Spectrum Films, Pan-Canadian Film Distributors

Prix décerné à P4W: Prison for Women

Notes sur P4W: Prison for Women


Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« There were about 100 inmates. We met with them maybe half a dozen times before we started to shoot. We really got to know a lot of the inmates, and we researched their crimes very well. There were about sixty women who wanted to be in the film; we narrowed the list to half a dozen people that we really wanted to focus on. »
-- Janis Cole (source)

Citations sur P4W: Prison for Women [en anglais]

« The unobtrusive style of the film [P4W: Prison for Women] is perfectly suited to the brutal honesty of the inmates' stories. Mixing cinéma-vérité with interviews, the filmmakers created a poignant picture of a group of women struggling to maintain their individuality, their sanity, and their closest relationships. »
-- Wyndham Wise (source)

« Although the directors see their film [P4W: Prison for Women] as being primarily about the inmates' spirit of survival, a firm feminist voice emerges more strongly. We don't see any men in the film, but enough men are bitterly mentioned to make the prison signify the oppression and restriction of the patriarchal macrocosm. »
-- Maurice Yacowar (source)

Bibliographie sur P4W: Prison for Women

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

Sites Web sur P4W: Prison for Women

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