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Heaven on Earth -- Film Description:
"Chand leaves her home and loving family behind in India to build a new life in Canada. She moves to Brampton, Ontario and marries Rocky, a man she has never met. Rocky is overwhelmed by the burden of his family: a controlling mother and confused father, and the sister, her husband and two children that he is obliged to support. Bright and well-educated, Chand feels trapped in a world with which she cannot connect. Estranged and mistreated by her new family, homesick and missing her family in India, Chand becomes the brunt of Rocky's frustrations as the pressures of life wear down his basic decency. Having no one to turn to, Chand begins to fantasize another version of her life, one based on an Indian fable."
-- Telefilm Canada

"Telefilm Canada: Catalogues: Heaven on Earth" Telefilm Canada.