Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Sylvia Spring (partial data)

Country: Canada
Born: 1942

Films directed by Sylvia Spring

Quotes by Sylvia Spring

"I think it's important for women to make films by themselves, to get a sense of their own ability, power and talent."
-- Sylvia Spring (source)

"Just as our mothers learned how to budget very small bits of money and make it stretch to feed the whole family, I think the small budgets that we women filmmakers have gotten we've had to stretch and really use and make a difference with that resource."
-- Sylvia Spring (source)

"We [women film directors] are very concerned with what is going on in the world but it is very difficult to get the money for the films that need to be made. We have to approach male-dominated structures for funding. We also need a lot more support because of the prejudices we have to fight first. We need affirmative action and we need to make mistakes—women need to be able to learn from their mistakes."
-- Sylvia Spring (source)

Quote about Sylvia Spring

"Making a film—whether you're male or female—and getting it financed is no easy matter. [...] 'Showbusiness is a male-run world, and I had to break into the industry,' [Sylvia Spring] says. Some businessmen she approached pinched her on the cheek and told her she should be in front of the cameras, not behind; others patted her on the head and said, 'isn't that cute.' 'It was hard to tell if the reaction was to my sex or to my youth,' she says. 'Still, I got in a lot of doors simply because I was a female.'"
-- Helen Worthington (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Sylvia Spring, please see:   Madeleine    Madeleine Is...   

Notes about Sylvia Spring


Bibliography for Sylvia Spring

Section 1: Publications about Sylvia Spring

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Sylvia Spring

Madeleine Is... (1971)

Book Chapters

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Sylvia Spring or her films:

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