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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Réalisé par Darlene Naponse
Canada, 2003 (expérimental, 72 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Image : © V tape

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Part musical, part experimental narrative, Darlene Naponse's tenderly crafted first feature is as elusive as it is intriguing. A musically-inspired stroll through the Whitefish Lake Ojibway First Nation, which serves as the backdrop, Cradlesong is that rare kind of film that keeps you interested—and guessing—on its own terms. Naponse knows what she is after, and never betrays the deliberate pace or the uniquely beautiful and original style that she establishes from the first frame. Presenting young musicians falling in love with law students, aunties creating nourishment in the presence of Ojibway language, and teleported Indian guys pontificating the ability to travel freely, Naponse knows how to tell a story. Through originally composed songs, we witness the modern creation of an ancient practice: using music to express story and emotion. Naponse is the newest voice in a long line of Native women filmmakers redefining cinema from the indigenous perspective, and the ending she crafts for Cradlesong will leave you hopeful, even as it breaks your heart. »
-- Bird Runningwater (source)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Cradlesong is a dramatic musically driven film about the people around you. It takes place at 40˚ 20' longitude; 81˚ 15' latitude (a small Ojibway community). The story starts at 5:37 pm, following several characters as they interrelate and culminate to a moment that changes everything and everyone in the community. The film is essentially about dysfunction and how everyone around the source is infected. Cradlesong is an independent 'Rez Style' film shot on DVCam, in real-time. »
-- V tape (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Darlene Naponse
Produit par : Darlene Naponse, Niki Naponse
Interprètes principaux : Nathan Hunter, Shkebe Landry, Lisa-Marie Naponse, Thea Pattison, Liz Wabegejig, Schuyler Webster
Images : Jeff Tranchemontagne
Musique : Julian Cote, Tammie McGregor

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