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The Moth Diaries

Réalisé par Mary Harron
Canada / Irelande / États-Unis, 2011 (fiction, 82 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autres titres : « Die Sehnsucht der Falter », « Internat », « Rebekini dnevnici », « Relação Mortal »

Description du film [en anglais] :
« At Brangwyn, an elite girls boarding school, Rebecca (Sarah Bolger), a young girl haunted by her father's suicide, begins her junior year hoping for a fresh start. From the outset, her friendship with sunny, innocent Lucy (Sarah Gadon) is shattered by the arrival of Emessa (Lily Cole), a mysterious, dark and beautiful girl from Europe. As her friendship with Lucy slips away, Rebecca develops a crush on her handsome English professor, Mr. Davies (Scott Speedman), who is teaching a course on supernatural fiction. The supernatural elements in The Moth Diaries are rooted in the real experience of a young girl faced with her emerging sexuality and caught in a web of obsessive friendship, jealousy, and betrayal. »
-- Pressman Film (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Mary Harron
Source originale : The Moth Diaries, un roman de Rachel Klein
Produit par : David Collins, Karine Martin, Ronald Gilbert, Edward R. Pressman, Sandra Cunningham, Mark Slone, Jean Francois Doray, Louis-Simon Menard, Norton Herrick, Zygi Kamasa, Jon Katz
Interprètes principaux : Sarah Bolger, Anne Day-Jones, Sarah Gadon, Valerie Tian, Melissa Farman, Laurence Hamelin, Kathleen Fee, Gia Sandhu, Lily Cole, Judy Parfitt, Scott Speedman, Julian Casey, Steffi Hagel, Leif Anderson, Roxan Bourdelais
Images : Declan Quinn
Montage images : Andrew Marcus
Musique : Lesley Barber
Société de production : Edward R. Pressman Film, Media Max Productions, Mediabiz International, Samson Films

Notes sur The Moth Diaries


Citation sur The Moth Diaries [en anglais]

« While [Mary] Harron's approach to same-sex attraction in [The Moth Diaries] may be foggy, one thing the film does make clear is how this desire is antithetical to the heteronormative world of perfection that Rebecca subscribes to. This becomes especially evident in the final removal of both sources and stressors of Rebecca's same-sex desire. When Rebecca seems freed at the end, one cannot help but wonder if it is really her repressed desire that was quelled by the flames. »
-- Brittany Caroline Speller (source)

Bibliographie sur The Moth Diaries

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