Directed by Marie-Hélène Cousineau and Madeline Ivalu |
Canada, 2008 (fiction, 93 minutes, colour, Inuktitut) |
Also known as "Le jour avant le lendemain" |
Image: © V tape |
Film Description: "It's circa 1840 in the northernmost tundra of Inuit-land. In the Arctic Circle, some Inuit tribes still have never met any white people, although rumors circulate about what they might be like, where they come from, and why they are there. As the Europeans encroach upon the territory and the Inuit clans go about their nomadic life, two elder women and a young boy go to an isolated island to perform the task of drying their clan's cache of fish in preparation for the long winter. The clan promises to fetch them after the fish are dried and before the water freezes over, but as the fall hunting season ends and they fail to return, something appears to have gone very wrong. In their first feature, Madeline Piujuq Ivalu and Marie-Hélène Cousineau of the Arnait Video Collective base their film on the novel For Morgendagen by Danish writer Jørn Riel. They combine traditional Inuit storytelling traditions with European cinema techniques to portray a story of a grandmother and a grandson who fend for themselves after tragedy strikes their clan. With stellar performances by Madeline Piujuq Ivalu as Ningiuq and Paul-Dylan Ivalu as Maniq, viewers experience the harshness of the tundra and the love of family in the most trying of times." -- N. Bird Runningwater (source)
Film Description: |
Film Credits (partial): | |
Written by: | Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Susan Avingaq, Madeline Ivalu |
Based on: | Før morgendagen [Before Tomorrow], a novel by Jørn Riel |
Produced by: | Zacharias Kunuk, Norman Cohn, Stéphane Rituit |
Principal Cast: | Madeline Ivalu, Paul-Dylan Ivalu, Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq, Mary Qulitalik, Tumasie Sivuarapik |
Cinematography: | Norman Cohn, Félix Lajeunesse |
Film Editing: | Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Norman Cohn, Félix Lajeunesse, Louise Dugal |
Music: | Anna McGarrigle, Kate McGarrigle, Joel Zifkin |
Production Company: | Igloolik Isuma Productions, Kunuk Cohn Productions |
"Le jour avant le lendemain est le fruit d'une collaboration entre Marie-Hélène Cousineau, Québécoise de naissance et fondatrice d'Arnait Video et Madeleine Ivalu, d'abord conteuse puis comédienne inuit ayant joué dans les deux volets précédents de la trilogie d'Igloolik. Depuis 1991, Cousineau invite les femmes inuit de tous âges à raconter leurs histoires en utilisant le cinéma comme moyen de transmission de leurs récits. Premier long-métrage de fiction de la réalisatrice, l'oeuvre nous plonge au coeur des légendes inuit, à une époque où ces dernières étaient garantes de leur survie. Imprégné d'une touche et d'un regard féminins, le film se distingue de ses prédécesseurs (l'ardent Atanarjuat et l'aride Journal de Knud Rasmussen) entre autres par le traitement esthétique plus modeste que les deux réalisatrices imputent à l'oeuvre, ainsi que par la place centrale accordée à deux groupes d'individus (femmes aînées et enfants) occupant dans les films précédents de [Zacharias] Kunuk des rôles pouvant être qualifiés de secondaires."
-- Karine Bertrand