Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Barbara Sternberg (partial data)

Country: Canada
Born: 1945

Films directed by Barbara Sternberg

Quotes about Barbara Sternberg

"[Barbara] Sternberg's films are not limited to a feminine perspective, they are above all humanist. Put simply, Sternberg's films look at how we are as humans in the world, expressed in a rich and vibrant filmic language. She has a rare ability to see and show where film's essential properties—time, light, repetition—intersect with and illuminate the big questions of the human condition."
-- Gerda Cammaer (source)

"Sternberg, a tireless champion of experimental film since the mid-1970s, was one of the few women in Canada working in the genre at that time. Her films are both a product of and a challenge to the prevalent structuralist bent of her male counterparts."
-- Wyndham Wise (source)

Notes about Barbara Sternberg


Bibliography for Barbara Sternberg

Section 1: Publications about Barbara Sternberg


Web Sites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Barbara Sternberg or her films:

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