Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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"It was propaganda. The whole business was propaganda. A very strong philosophy was expressed in action. It was expressed in a strong feeling for the people of Canada. We [people working at the National Film Board of Canada] saw in film a means to help achieve national unity, pride, independence, a strong sense of Canada as an autonomous unit in a swiftly changing international scene. We were made to feel, with [John] Grierson at the helm, that the work we were doing, each and every one of us, was valuable and indeed precious in helping to strengthen unity across the land and achieve for Canada a true independent identity in a changing world."
-- Evelyn Spice Cherry

Denisko, Olga, ed. 4 Days in May (6 to 9): Films, Workshops, Share and Exchange Ideas; A Report. Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, 1975. 'Photography - Mary Daemen, Karen Marginson, Ches Yetman. N.F.B. Archives, & 'women from the earliest years'. Drawings - Michael Didur, Blake James'. [report]