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"Lost in the wilds of the Northwest, where the snow was anywhere from four to six feet deep on the level, Miss Nell Shipman and her company spent several weeks. [...] The results are that Miss Shipman's forthcoming picture, The Grub Stake, promises to have some real thrillers in the way of snow scenes. The cameraman, J.B. Walker, and myself, got a wonderful kick out of it, too. For several weeks running we never moved outside our cabins, without snowshoes. We got to be expert in the art of manipulating them, and in setting cameras on mountainsides and on top of six feet of snow."
-- Robert S. Newhard

Newhard, Robert S. "Shoots 'snow stuff' in summer: S.C. member tells interesting experience with Nell Shipman Company at Spokane, Wash.; lives on snow shoes for several weeks." American Cinematographer, July 1, 1922. (pp. 6-7)