Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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"Hamilton's films belong to a well-defined, cohesive project in which she unearths missing pieces of Black history—a history that runs against the grain of the Canadian myth of tolerance and multiculturalism—and exposes the myths and prejudices to which African-descended Canadians have been subjected in this country. More importantly, perhaps, she pays tribute to those who have ensured their survival as a people and celebrates the heroines and heroes who have surmounted enormous social, economic, and institutional obstacles to gain personal and professional success."
-- Shana McGuire, Darrell Varga

McGuire, Shana, and Darrell Varga. "Eradicating Erasure: The Documentary Film Practice of Sylvia Hamilton." In The Gendered Screen: Canadian Women Filmmakers, edited by Brenda Austin-Smith and George Melnyk. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010. (p. 187)