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"Ken McDougall was actually dying of AIDS as the film [The Last Supper] was being shot and died a few days after the end of production. When I saw the film for the first time at the Vancouver Film Festival in the fall of 1994, I didn't know about McDougall's condition, which [Cynthia] Roberts and [Greg] Klymkiw discussed only after the screening. Yet I knew from the first few images of the film that the actor was at once performing and not performing death, at once playing the role of a dying man and simply being a dying man. As much as his voice and body language seemed contrived in the performance of terminal illness, his body was speaking of death in a way that no actor can reproduce."
-- André Loiselle

Loiselle, André. Stage-Bound: Feature Film Adaptations of Canadian and Québécois Drama. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. (p. 207)