Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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"From its humble beginnings, Crawley Films expanded to become, at one time, Canada's largest independent film company, with a $250,000 sound stage in the Gatineau Hills and a $500,000 studio building in Ottawa. Mr. Crawley usually was the producer and Mrs. Crawley the script supervisor. [...] Their reputation was established during the 1940s and 1950s with a long list of documentary and educational films, many of them done under contract to the National Film Board. [...] Mrs. Crawley was the director, cameraman and lab staff on many of the movies—22 of which were on child care that appeared under the title Ages and Stages. They were aimed at women and were immensely popular with women's groups."
-- Donn Downey

Downey, Donn. "Canadian film pioneer made documentaries, won Academy Award." Globe and Mail, September 17, 1986.