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"A far better picture, also in Sunday's programme, was Weather Forecast, one of the first sound-films made by the G.P.O. Film Unit under John Grierson. Directed by Miss Evelyn Spice, a gifted young woman hitherto unknown, it sketches brilliantly the issue of a gale warning through the co-operation of the Air Ministry, the Post Office, and the B.B.C. ; the reception of the warning by seamen, farmers, and so on ; the arrival of the gale, and at last the return of fine weather. There is here a natural dramatic sequence—prelude, climax and resolution—which has helped Miss Spice to give her film shape and balance ; but her skill is equally evident in her use of natural images and fragments of dialogue to establish a convincing background which is thoroughly realistic and yet never dull."
-- Charles Davy

Davy, Charles. "The Cinema." The Spectator (London), no. 5549, November 2, 1934. (p. 670)