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"Night Raiders is an important step forward for Indigenous futurism on screen. [Danis] Goulet has created a story for us to ponder in 2021 that references the past, addresses current Indigenous concerns, and explores the path toward a better future. In looking at the value of children in a dystopian future, how they could be scarce and endangered, Night Raiders recalls Alfonso Cuaron's incredible Children of Men. Both films tackle how important children are to the very existence of a people and a culture. The difference is that Indigenous people have already seen these traumatic possibilities become reality, and have already battled for preservation of children, language, culture, and survival (some might say that battle continues). Night Raiders is a science fiction film, but at the same time, it discusses very real things that have happened to Indigenous people in the past. Stories like Night Raiders shine a light on a raw wound from which Indigenous cultures are still healing. These are not easy stories to tell, and Goulet is one of the few filmmakers with the knowledge, craft, and skill to tell this painful story."
-- Jason Asenap

Asenap, Jason. "'Night Raiders' imagines a horrific dystopian future. Its inspiration is America's real past; Writer-director Danis Goulet's new film shines a light on a raw wound from which Indigenous cultures are still healing." Review of Night Raiders. Esquire, November 12, 2021.