Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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"John Grierson could match the tyranny of any Hollywood mogul. Jane Marsh's final cut of Women Are Warriors, for example, hardly resembles the ambition of her original treatment on women's contemporary situation. [...] After a final disagreement with Grierson, who refused to let a woman head his 'Canada Carries On' series, Marsh resigned from the NFB in 1944."
-- Kay Armatage, Kass Banning, Brenda Longfellow, Janine Marchessault

Armatage, Kay, Kass Banning, Brenda Longfellow, and Janine Marchessault. "Gendering the Nation." In Gendering the Nation: Canadian Women's Cinema, edited by Kay Armatage, Kass Banning, Brenda Longfellow, and Janine Marchessault. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. (p. 13)