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Bye Bye Blues

Réalisé par Anne Wheeler
Canada, 1989 (fiction, 110 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Bye Bye Blues
Image : © Mongrel Media

Description du film [en anglais] :
« In this critically acclaimed feature drama, Daisy returns home to Alberta from India at the start of World War II. There she learns her husband has been captured by the Japanese. To make ends meet, she joins a dance band as a singer, only to be faced with a multitude of personal dilemmas. »
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Anne Wheeler
Produit par : Tony Allard, Arvi Liimatainen, Anne Wheeler
Interprètes principaux : Rebecca Jenkins, Luke Reilly, Stuart Margolin, Wayne Robson, Robyn Stevan, Michael Ontkean, Kate Reid, Chad Krowchuk, Kirk Duffee, Vincent Gale, Leslie Yeo, Sheila Moore
Images : Vic Sarin
Montage images : Christopher Tate
Musique : George Blondheim
Société de production : Allarcom, True Blue Films, Artificial Eye, Telefilm Canada

Prix décernés à Bye Bye Blues

Notes sur Bye Bye Blues


Citation sur Bye Bye Blues

« Il faut savoir gré à l'auteure d'avoir pu dépeindre avec une telle finesse (jeux de regards, gestes ébauchés) les déchirements intérieurs de Daisy, sa mélancolie profonde cachée derrière un sourire, ses désirs amoureux, sa délicatesse dans ses relations avec ceux qui l'entourent (enfants, parents, collègues, amis) ce qui n'exclut pas de poser à l'occasion des gestes décisifs. Il est indéniable que l'oeuvre est animée par une sensibilité féministe, mais Anne Wheeler est assez intelligente pour ne pas imposer les schèmes des années 80 sur des personnages des années 40. »
-- Robert-Claude Bérubé (source)

Citations sur Bye Bye Blues [en anglais]

« The core conflict is within Daisy herself, rooted in her transformation from pampered, passive doctor's wife to hard-working single mother and swing-band diva. »
-- Kathleen Cummins (source)

« Bye Bye Blues recovers an element of Canadian women's history not represented in any other Canadian feature film, the challenges and temporary opportunities presented to Canadian women by the Second World War. »
-- Christopher E. Gittings (source)

« Rowley [Alberta] had almost become a ghost town after the closure of the Canadian National Railway line years before. The station still existed, along with three grain elevators and a 1940s-style main street, which then served a population of sixteen. There were many vacant buildings and a service station still equipped with the old-style glass reservoir gasoline pumps. [Bye Bye Blues] production designer John Blackie brought the town back to life with alterations, additions, and paint. [...]. »
-- Bill Marsden (source)

« [Anne] Wheeler mingles bits and pieces of Hollywood with a modern Canadian sensibility to come up with a film that is steeped in the romantic side of wartime nostalgia without being pat or predicable. Accented by gorgeous shots of the roiling Alberta landscape, you can feel Wheeler's love for the land though the lens. »
-- Katherine Monk (source)

« India is coded by the film [Bye Bye Blues] as the colonial experience immersed in sexuality and sensuality (beautiful, enigmatic Indian men and women, kindly native servants, love-making on silk sheets with drifting white mosquito nets, and so on); Canada, on the other hand, is the land of denial where the reality principle reigns (the infinite flatness of the prairies, autumnal colours, sexual frustration and rural morality). »
-- Michael O'Pray (source)

Bibliographie sur Bye Bye Blues

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