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Directed by Sylvie Van Brabant
Canada, 1986 (documentary, 29 minutes, colour, French)
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"Jeanne, the main character in this film, has gone through menopause and is now calmly looking forward to retirement. But there's no magic formula for this serenity. Jeanne's menopause was a time of new emotions, new awareness, and a re-examination of old values."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Nicole Côté, Guy L. Coté, Raymond Gauthier
Cinematography: Serge Giguère
Film Editing: Huguette Laperrière
Music: Pierre Saint-Jak, Claude Vendette, Pierre Cartier
Production Company: Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada

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