Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Girl from Moush

Directed by Gariné Torossian
Canada, 1993 (experimental, 6 minutes, colour, Armenian / English)
Girl from Moush
Image: © Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

Film Description:
"Girl From Moush meshes traditional images of Armenian countryscapes with a haunting voiceover, rich in memory and longing. Gariné Torossian's cut-and-paste technique disassembles and rearranges the material of film in pulsating cubist style."
-- David McIntosh (source)


Notes about Girl from Moush


Quote about Girl from Moush

"Consisting of a range of material shot on super 8 and then processed again on an optical printer using a number of methods that highlight the film's status as representation [...] [Girl from Moush] is a colourful highly tactile collection of all the images which are, for diasporic Armenians, representative of 'home:' from Armenian landscapes to churches to the memorial to the millions who died in the genocide perpetrated by the Turks upon the Armenians between 1917 and 1919."
-- Robin Curtis (source)

Bibliography for Girl from Moush

Journal Articles

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