Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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The Other World

Directed by Claudia Overing
Canada, 1976 (documentary, 19 minutes, colour, English)
Also known as "L'univers aquatique"
The Other World
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"An exploration of the world of plant and animal life in a Canadian stream. Using underwater and microphotography film techniques, the camera follows some of these underwater life cycles and shows the interdependence of insect, fish and mammal life, which in turn are dependent upon the purity of the water."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Roman Bittman, Colin Low
Narrator: Sharry Flett
Film Editing: Claudia Overing
Music: Karl Duplessis
Production Company: National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

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