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Popular Psychology

Directed by Julia Murphy
Canada, 1957 (fiction, 11 minutes, black and white, English)

Film Description:
"How much faith should one put in popular psychology? When psychological theories are all around, how is the lay person to keep proper perspectives? The film centres the question around two women, Barbara and Jane. Barbara is regarded by Jane as indulging in the psychology fad, looking for problems in her husband and child to practise her do-it-yourself analysis. But, wonders Jane, is a little psychology better than none at all? The question is left open for discussion."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Gudrun Parker
Produced by: Nicholas Balla
Cinematography: Georges Dufaux
Film Editing: Douglas Davidson
Production Company: National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Web Sites about Popular Psychology

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