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Directed by Stephanie Morgenstern
Canada, 2001 (fiction, 19 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"Set during World War II, Alfred Graves, a man cursed with a perfect recollection of his every experience, leads a cautious life touring his one man memory show. One night while in Toronto, he becomes spellbound by an attractive stranger in the audience who has come with a serious proposition for him."
-- Lunafest (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Mark Ellis, Stephanie Morgenstern
Produced by: Paula Fleck
Principal Cast: Mark Ellis, Stephanie Morgenstern, Julain Molnar, Adam Bramble, Denis McGrath
Cinematography: Mark Morgenstern
Film Editing: Vesna Svilanovic
Production Company: Fleck Films

Award won by Remembrance

Notes about Remembrance


Quote by the Director

"From the beginning, we knew this story [Remembrance] was going to be built as a loop in time, told from Alfred's point of view. Or rather, shaped like a capital Q: a loop with a conclusion. Within this general shape, our premise about his perfect recall actually gave us license to play with time: it meant we could use flashbacks, meta-flashbacks and even a moment when he turns and 'sees' himself in a conversation from ten minutes ago."
-- Stephanie Morgenstern (source)

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