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Isla blanca

Directed by Jeanne Leblanc
Canada, 2018 (fiction, 80 minutes, colour, French)

Film Description:
"Eight years ago, Mathilde left, and nobody knows why. She's back in her hometown, where she soon finds out that her mother is seriously ill. Now 24, Mathilde is about to realize that her departure had real consequences, and she can't just come home without explanation. After making several well-received shorts [...] Jeanne Leblanc's first feature is a poetic, intimate, beautifully shot film starring the charismatic Charlotte Aubin and Théodore Pellerin."
-- Québec Cinéma (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Jeanne Leblanc
Produced by: Hany Ouichou, Nellie Carrier
Principal Cast: Charlotte Aubin, Théodore Pellerin, Judith Baribeau, Luc Picard
Cinematography: Vincent Biron
Film Editing: Elric Robichon
Music: Devin Ashton-Beaucage
Production Company: Art & Essai

Quote by the Director [in French]

"Les premiers films sont les plus autobiographiques. Ces récits n'ont jamais éclos. Isla Blanca est librement inspiré de mes souvenirs, j'ai veillé ma mère, puis j'ai eu envie d'écrire sur cette jeune fille."
-- Jeanne Leblanc (source)

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