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Le Coyote

Directed by Katherine Jerkovic
Canada, 2022 (fiction, 89 minutes, colour, French / Spanish)
Also known as "Coyote"

Film Description:
"A cook in his heyday, Camilo is now a worn-out fifty-year-old who works for a cleaning company. We can guess a personal failure in the past of this solitary Mexican living in Montreal. However, Camilo wants to get back on track and an opportunity to recover his culinary passion finally presents itself. Everything is in place for this new beginning when Camilo receives a visit from his daughter Tania, with whom he had cut ties because of her drug addiction. She tells him that he is a grandfather and asks him to take care of the child while she undergoes her umpteenth rehab. The arrival of this grandson will upset Camilo's plans. There will be a new beginning for him, certainly, but not as he imagined it."
-- (source)

Film Description:
"Reserved and reticent Camilo, a fiftysomething widower, works for a cleaning company in Montreal. Back in the day, he ran a successful restaurant called Le Coyote that, for reasons initially unknown to us, went under. Since then, he has doggedly pursued culinary jobs, to no avail. But an old friend and fan of Le Coyote has just asked him to work as a chef in the suburbs. Finally, it seems Camilo will get his life back on track after a long time in the wilderness. Without warning, estranged daughter Tania enters the picture with the shocking news that Camilo has a grandson, Zachary. Wary of his daughter's self-destructive behaviour, Camilo is dismayed when she asks him to care for Zachary while she is in rehab. But Camilo reluctantly acquiesces, despite his misgivings and Zachary's apparent distrust of him. [Katherine] Jerkovic carefully and sensitively explores the profound, conflicting emotions complicating her characters' relationships. There are no heroes or villains here, just human beings battling themselves. Proud and still resentful over the past, Camilo wants little to do with Tania and doesn't really know how to speak to Zachary. (He's like a modernized version of Silas Marner.) Tania is erratic and irresponsible while Zachary is angry and terrified he will lose his mother, the only constant in his young life. What emerges is an affecting tale of a family trying to reconstruct itself. Jerkovic's naturalist style makes Coyote one of the most poignant and emotionally genuine films of the year."
-- Steve Gravestock (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Katherine Jerkovic
Produced by: Nicolas Comeau
Principal Cast: Jorge Martinez Colorado, Enzo Desmeules Saint-Hilaire, Eva Avila, Christian de la Cortina, Catalina Pop
Cinematography: Léna Mill-Reuillard
Film Editing: Sophie Farkas Bolla
Music: David Drury
Production Company: 1976 Productions

Notes about Le Coyote


Quote about Le Coyote [in French]

"Poursuivant délicatement son étude du déracinement et de la transmission, Katherine Jerkovic, cinéaste québécoise née d'une mère uruguayenne et d'un père croato-argentin, offre un deuxième long métrage [Le Coyote] faisant contrepoint à son premier, le morose mais lumineux Les routes en février (2018), où une néo-Québécoise orpheline de père se rendait auprès de sa grand-mère en Uruguay afin de comprendre pourquoi ses parents avaient quitté leur pays natal une dizaine d'années auparavant. Cette fois, la réalisatrice esquisse en demi-teintes le portrait d'un homme tourné vers l'avenir."
-- Manon Dumais (source)

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