Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Holding Fast

Directed by Mary Harron and John C. Walsh
United States, 2008 (documentary, 12 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"Holding Fast is a reflective essay on landscape, people, and work at a self-help center in Darjeeling, India for Tibetan refugees. Lush images are accompanied by expressive music, edited together with sensitivity and lyricism. Violinist Jennifer Choi interprets the score by composer Randall Woolf. As the last notes and images fade from the screen, they linger memorably in the mind."
-- Full Frame Documentary Film Festival (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Mary Harron, John C. Walsh
Produced by: Randall Woolf, Mary Harron, John C. Walsh
Cinematography: John C. Walsh
Music: Randall Woolf

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