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réalisatrices canadiennes
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The Famine Within

Réalisé par Katherine Gilday
Canada, 1990 (documentaire, 120 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Using conventional documentary interviews and narration, complemented with striking evocative imagery, Gilday presents a wide cross section of women relating their own experiences with these disturbing conditions. [...] Among many of the perceptive observations in this film, it is suggested that these [eating] disorders are a desperate, if unconscious, protest against the denial of the feminine within both men and women. »
-- Festival of Festivals (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Katherine Gilday
Produit par : Katherine Gilday
Images : Joan Hutton, Barry Stone
Montage images : Petra Valier
Musique : Russell Walker

Prix décerné à The Famine Within

Notes sur The Famine Within


Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« Why are we so focused on our bodies and our looks? This preoccupation drains much of women's energies and self esteem. It's drained mine, too. We have to make a conscious effort to fight it. »
-- Katherine Gilday (source)

Bibliographie sur The Famine Within

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

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