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Love That Boy

Réalisé par Andrea Dorfman
Canada, 2003 (fiction, 89 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autres titres : « Bejön ez a srác », « J'aime ce garçon »
Love That Boy
Image : © Mongrel Media

Description du film :
« Love That Boy raconte l'histoire de Phoebe, une jeune femme sophistiquée, aventureuse, ambitieuse et incapable d'accepter l'incompétence ambiante, mais socialement inadaptée. Pour l'instant, rien d'autre n'importe que les mille et une choses à faire en préparation de son bal de finissante. Deux semaines avant le fameux bal, sa meilleure amie lui fait faux bond, faisant en plus remarquer à Phoebe qu'il manque un élément essentiel à sa liste de choses à faire en prévision du bal : se trouver un amoureux. Dans sa quête désespérée et fertile en rebondissements comiques, elle trouvera tout à fait par hasard. Problème toutefois : l'amour en question a 14 ans... »
-- Téléfilm Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Andrea Dorfman, Jennifer Deyell
Produit par : Jan Nathanson, Christopher Zimmer, J. William Ritchie
Interprètes principaux : Nadia Litz, Adrien Dixon, Nikki Barnett
Images : Thomas M. Harting
Montage images : Michael Vernon
Musique : Mike O'Neill
Société de production : imX Communications

Notes sur Love That Boy


Citation de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« We had a definite sense of colour and design. We wanted the film [Love That Boy] to have a certain look -- something a bit exaggerated, like the characters, but cohesive. »
-- Andrea Dorfman (source)

Citations sur Love That Boy [en anglais]

« Both Parsley Days and Love That Boy were shot in Halifax. Even though the city is not named in either film, both traverse an urban landscape instantly recognizable as Haligonian to those familiar with the city. As much as Dorfman exploits Halifax's distinctive vernacular architecture to ground her characters in the everyday lived space of the Martime city, she also captures the bohemian feel of the place, with her young characters orbiting around the city's university, music, and arts scenes. »
-- Andrew Burke (source)

« From goofy beginning to emotionally satisfying end, Love That Boy is a triumph of talent over limited means. Young Canuck helmer Andrea Dorfman tops her amiable debut Parsley Days with a sophomore effort that is stylish, funny and very well acted. Pic reps best entry yet in the ambitious 'Seat 3A and 3C' series, which has Nova Scotians meeting on planes as the basic premise. Halifax-shot tale of an overachiever who suffers from arrested development in the romance department may be too small-scaled to hit all destinations, but given the right sendoff it could click with hip, urban auds. »
-- Ken Eisner (source)

« There's a squirm factor in Love That Boy. It begins as gentle irritation—and blossoms into a boil—but by the time the movie ends, there is nothing left but the comfort of having spent the better part of two hours engaged in a smart, non-condescending and altogether hilarious human experience. »
-- Katherine Monk (source)

« Love That Boy, the second feature by Canadian director Andrea Dorfman, is the latest in a long line of teen flicks about unhappy smarty-pants girls who get straight As in school but are incapable of getting a date. And a fine addition to the genre it is, with new twists added to the old story and a protagonist who doesn't have to get a make-over or dumb herself down to get over her social ineptitude. »
-- J. Kelly Nestruck (source)

« After a disastrous date with another overachiever type, [Phoebe] finds herself gradually attracted to the mild, easygoing boy next door who is always mowing the lawn. Unfortunately, he's only 14. It's with this thoroughly unsuitable romance, beautifully understated by young Adrien Dixon as Frazer, that Phoebe gets her comeuppance and learns her life lesson. And it's with this development, the conversion of Phoebe into a human being, that the stylized, surreal charms of [Andrea] Dorfman's movie seem to falter and lose their way, en route from overturning romantic comedy to being one. Love That Boy is maybe a little self-consciously quirky, but it gives up quirkiness too soon, in favour of moulding the narrative into an arc. »
-- Liz Nicholls (source)

Bibliographie sur Love That Boy

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