Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Le chapeau

Directed by Michèle Cournoyer
Canada, 1999 (animation, 6 minutes, black and white)
Also known as "The Hat"
Le chapeau
Image: © National Film Board of Canada
Video (National Film Board of Canada)

Film Description:
"A young woman works as an exotic dancer in a bar. The customers' hats remind her of a man she knew as a child, who also wore a hat. The man entered her bedroom, turned back the sheets and laid his hand on her body. She cannot forget how he defiled her. The Hat strikes hard with its stark, and sometimes crude, imagery of a memory that refuses to go away. The woman, conscious of having been abused body and soul, draws the audience into the shadows of a wounded childhood. The woman can never forget. The hat becomes for her an overwhelming, invasive obsession, constantly resurfacing in a rapid and implacable succession of metamorphoses. Animator Michèle Cournoyer uses black ink on white paper to illustrate this painful tale. With a quick stroke, she throws ink on paper, creating an occasional blotch. Stains on the soul, stains on paper. The Hat is a tough, visceral experience. The filmmaker, with naked honesty, invites the audience to share in the pain of a woman, an exotic dancer whose body is on display and whose soul is forever soiled."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Michèle Cournoyer
Produced by: Thérèse Descary, Pierre Hébert
Animation: Michèle Cournoyer
Film Editing: Fernand Bélanger
Music: Jean Derome
Production Company: Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada

Awards won by Le chapeau

Notes about Le chapeau


Quote by the Director [in French]

"La métamorphose permet beaucoup de liberté. On peut transformer n'importe quoi. Je savais au départ, par exemple, que la petite fille [dans le film Le chapeau] voulait être danseuse de ballet et que le père allait venir abuser d'elle. J'ai mes scènes, je les mets ensemble et là, je me demande ce que je peux faire pour que les différentes actions se mêlent les unes aux autres. Donc, au départ, c'est réaliste dans ma tête, puis ça devient surréaliste."
-- Michèle Cournoyer (source)

Bibliography for Le chapeau

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Web Sites about Le chapeau

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