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Johnny Tootall

Directed by Shirley Cheechoo
Canada, 2005 (fiction, 93 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"Discharged from the Bosnian War, Johnny (Adam Beach) carries the weight of this war on his shoulders. He left combat with a dark and frightening secret—the murder of a young boy, which haunts him. But Johnny carries many demons: the death of his father, running from his destiny as Chief of his Band, and abandoning Serena (Alex Rice) the love of his life. Nevertheless, Johnny must return home. The wolf spirit has called."
-- Tiburon International Film Festival (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Shirley Cheechoo, Andrew Genaille
Produced by: Cynthia Chapman, Danielle Prohom Olson, Stephen Hegyes, Shawn Williamson
Principal Cast: Adam Beach, Nathaniel Arcand, Alex Rice, Sheila May Tousey, Ben Cotton, Miranda Frigon, Shawn Reis, Randi Knighton, Michael Rogers, Jenn Griffin, Navjit Bhangu, David Lyle, Duane Howard, Glen Gould
Film Editing: Lenka Svab
Production Company: Johnny Tootall Productions; Kitchen Sink Entertainment

Notes about Johnny Tootall


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