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Opera School

Réalisé par Gudrun Bjerring Parker
Canada, 1952 (documentaire, 35 minutes, noir et blanc, anglais)
Autre titre : « La classe d'opéra »
Opera School
Image : © Office national du film du Canada

Description du film :
« Les années d'études d'une jeune fille à l'école d'opéra au Conservatoire de Toronto. Reçue comme élève, Marie Berton va d'un cours à l'autre, et avec elle on découvre l'organisation de cette institution où l'on forme les artistes de la scène lyrique. »
-- Office national du film du Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Lister Sinclair
Produit par : Guy Glover
Images : Denis Gillson
Musique : Louis Applebaum
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Prix décerné à Opera School

Citations sur Opera School [en anglais]

« The film [Opera School] is made with humour and a feeling for character. Both staff and pupils are acutely observed; the script, by a well-known Canadian radio writer, manages to be entertaining as well as informative, and Gudrun Parker (who made Children's Concert handles it with liveliness and skill. »
-- Monthly Film Bulletin (source)

« How to make an Opera Star. Does that sound like the kind of film you'd be fascinated by? Me neither. [..] Yet for a non-opera fan, I found myself keenly interested yesterday at the Towne Cinema, when I went to see The Brave Bulls and stayed over to enjoy the National Film Board picture with it, Opera School. [...] It is a documentary, but with the added interest of a dramatic progression—that is, the advance of one pupil through three years at Opera School. It is a documentary, with no narrator. Lister Sinclair's scenario tells its own story as it goes along, never has to nudge us so we know what we're seeing, or to point out a moral. Produced by Guy Glover and directed by Gudrun Parker, Opera School was made here [in Toronto], mostly at the corner of University and College St., where the Royal Conservatory Opera School has its being and, to judge from this film, flourishes mightily. »
-- Herbert Whittaker (source)

Bibliographie sur Opera School

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