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Waiting For Lancelot -- Film Description:
"Waiting for Lancelot [...] is in seven distinct parts: 1) 'G's Dream', 2) 'I'm Having Trouble with My Heart', 3) '186,000,000 Miles Per Second', 4) 'The View', 5) 'Domestication (Arthur Speaks)', 6) 'At Snake Spring', 7) 'The Witness (The Testimony of Lancelot)'. Lancelot is a dense fabric of fiction, observation and legend. The tape is unusual in that it has all of the characteristics of a novel. [...]"
-- Clive Robertson

Robertson, Clive. "Lisa Steele: Recent tapes; The novel, the science report and the case history." Centrefold, June-July 1979. (p. 249)