Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Marie Clements (partial data)

Country: Canada

Films directed by Marie Clements

Quotes by Marie Clements

"At this time I'm loving both [writing and directing]. If you're a writer you can write anywhere and anytime but if you're a director you can't. What I love about writing is the freedom and also that it's a faithful occupation in the sense that, the more time and dedication you put toward it, it will give back to you in spades. I love that about writing but I also wish I could direct everyday. As a writer you spend so many hours, days, months and years, envisioning it and finally giving birth to it. To actually see it being played out is really extraordinary."
-- Marie Clements (source)

"There has been a paradigm shift of sorts with the commitment by different organizations to structurally support Indigenous filmmaking. The creation of the Indigenous Screen Office and the inclusion of an Indigenous presence within almost all major national funders, as well as the continued and increased support of organizations such as the Canada Council and the National Film Board, is starting to be a game change in regard to what gets made and how."
-- Marie Clements (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Marie Clements, please see:   Jesus Indian    Pilgrims    The Road Forward    Red Snow    Bones of Crows   

Bibliography for Marie Clements

Section 1: Publications by Marie Clements

Section 2: Publications about Marie Clements

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Marie Clements

The Road Forward (2017)  (also known as: "Droit devant")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Red Snow (2019)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Bones of Crows (2022)  (also known as: "L'ombre des corbeaux")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

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