Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Helen Haig-Brown (partial data)

Films directed by Helen Haig-Brown

Quote by Helen Haig-Brown

"ImagineNATIVE was vital for my career, not only in showing my work but also in they were making sure it gets picked up by other programmers, talking about it, getting it out beyond their festival. They are so invested in Indigenous filmmakers and how to help get us support by either being distributed, picked up by television or to connect us with other producers. They bring in broadcasters from around the world, a lot of people."
-- Helen Haig-Brown (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Helen Haig-Brown, please see:   ?E?ANX    My Legacy    Sgaaway K'uuna   

Bibliography for Helen Haig-Brown

Section 1: Publications about Helen Haig-Brown

Journal Articles

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Helen Haig-Brown

My Legacy (2014)

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Sgaaway K'uuna (2018)  (also known as: "Edge of the Knife")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

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