Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Dionne Brand (partial data)

Films directed by Dionne Brand

Quote about Dionne Brand

"[Rina] Fraticelli's invitation to represent Black women's lives from their point of view (the only kind of film [Dionne] Brand wanted to consider), allowed Studio D to bridge the gap between feminist communities divided by questions of race and racism."
-- Gail Vanstone (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Dionne Brand, please see:   Sisters in the Struggle    Listening for Something... Adrienne Rich and Dionne Brand in Conversation   

Bibliography for Dionne Brand

Section 1: Publications about Dionne Brand

Brief Sections of Books

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Dionne Brand

Sisters in the Struggle (1991)

Brief Sections of Books

Long Time Comin' (1993)

Brief Sections of Books

Listening for Something... Adrienne Rich and Dionne Brand in Conversation (1996)

Dissertation Chapters

Archival Collections

This archival institution has holdings related to Dionne Brand or her films:

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