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Citation :
« The Far Shore is a very beautiful film, the first feature by Toronto artist Joyce Wieland, who for 10 years painted and made avant-garde film shorts in New York. She returned home in 1972 and started work on this film, which cost $480,000 and looks like twice that. Her co-producer, Judy Steed, is also a filmmaker hitherto only of shorts. Suggested by the still mysterious death, decades ago, of a youngish but worldknown Canadian painter, Tom Thomson, junior member of Canada's famed Group of Seven, The Far Shore is a good bet for art houses everywhere and, carefully handled, might go in general release—perhaps on a double bill, since it lacks names. So did Elvira Madigan, of course, and it was a smash. This is a far fresher film except visually; they're about equal there. Richard Leiterman's lensing, chiefly around Bon Echo Lodge in this general area, is sometimes breathtaking. »
-- Variety

Source :
VARIETY. « The Far Shore », critique de The Far Shore, Variety, 18 août 1976. [en anglais]