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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« [Joyce Wieland's] latest film, Reason over Passion (1969) is her strongest. A description of the film's plan, its argument, suggests an epic form; for she has attempted no less than to cross Canada from ocean to ocean, filming. In the middle of it all, a portrait of [Pierre] Trudeau, the Prime Minister (the title is a phrase from one of his speeches), interrupts the journey. His image has the same reduction to the granular as the optical or the off-the-screen printings of Gehr, Jacobs, and others. The word 'epic' would not apply to the moment by moment experience of the film, which is one of aggressive elongation punctuated by a mild sadness. She does not glorify the land, but seems to mourn for it. »
-- P. Adams Sitney

Source :
SITNEY, P. Adams. « Structural Film » , ["No. 47, Summer 1969; revised, Winter 1969."] dans Film Culture Reader, sous la direction de P. Adams Sitney, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1970. [en anglais] (p. 337)