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« Back in 1992, film was something that I never would have even imagined I would be able to make. It's like saying, 'Okay, I want to be an astronaut', and it's like, 'Yeah, right!' Because it will never happen, because you know for one thing, economically it is so beyond my scope. I never even considered it until I met a filmmaker, Anna Gronau, from Toronto, whom I approached to make a film with me. I think once I went through the steps of making this film, seeing the actual steps that had to be done to make a film, I realized that you can make a film, anybody can make a film. »
-- Shelley Niro

Source :
WEATHERFORD, Elizabeth. « The Journey's Discovery: An Interview with Shelley Niro » , entretien avec Shelley Niro, dans Native Americans on Film: Conversations, Teaching, and Theory, sous la direction de Eric L. Buffalohead et M. Elise Marubbio, Lexington, Kentucky, The University Press of Kentucky, 2013. [en anglais] (pp. 341, 343)