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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Evelyn Cherry is also married and has two children. She has been making documentary films for over fifteen years, and is rated one of the topknotchers in her line. Born in Saskatchewan she began her career on the Regina Leader Post. From there she went to England where she met John Grierson, who later became Canadian Film Commissioner and head of the National Film Board. Instead of staying in England just for a holiday as she had intended, she remained five years working for Grierson. Then she came to Canada where she has been turning out innumerable pictures including the famous 'Knife and Fork' series for children. »
-- Betsy Mosbaugh

Source :
MOSBAUGH, Betsy. « The feminine outlook: Women behind the cameras that chronicle the Canadian scene », Saturday Night, 12 octobre 1946. (p. 43) [en anglais]