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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« The documentaries that pioneering filmmaker Gudrun Bjerring Parker made for the National Film Board in the 1940s and 50s are at once a fascinating glimpse into Canada's past and surprisingly relevant to the present day. They argue the necessity of affordable child care for working mothers, examine media bias and challenge accepted gender roles. They are also engagingly dramatic, inherently empathic and, at times, quietly lyrical. Ms. Bjerring Parker is often credited with helping create the template for the burgeoning NFB's distinctive documentary style. Her achievements are all the more remarkable when you consider she was one of the few female directors working at the film board in those decades. »
-- Martin Morrow

Source :
MORROW, Martin. « 'Iconic' documentarian Gudrun Bjerring Parker helped define NFB's signature style », Globe and Mail, 9 décembre 2022. [en anglais]